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 Text Version of Community Comments - a continuously updated collection of community comments submitted by the authors for posting on this website. 


Petition- requesting community forum to discuss math curricula changes presented at 4/2/24 Dover and Sherborn School Committee meeting


Op-ed submission from DS community member


4/2/24 Dover and Sherborn School Committee meeting - 2:45 watch community comments read on behalf of DS parents regarding general and math curricula concerns/questions and the presentation of a petition calling for a community forum to discuss the math curricula, 11:50 assistant superintendent's presentation about piloted math curricula and recommendation for adoption of Reveal Math, 1:01:50 comments from the superintendent, 1:03:36 school committee discussion of Reveal Math, 1:37:41 vote to approve Reveal Math for the 2024/2025 school year, 1:39:36 Sherborn school committee vote to name an outdoor bench for a retiring faculty member.  

4/2/24 Joint School Committee meeting - 2:40 watch community comment from a parent and teacher about changing the school calendar, 4:49 superintendent's comments, 20:55 assistant superintendent's comments, 26:11 overview of superintendent evaluation process, 38:25 superintendent's summary of her accomplishments, 57:48 updates to policy handbook, 1:05:14 vote to approve changes to ACCEPT agreement, 1:07:07 discussion of proposed changes to 2024-2025 school year calendar - no vote occurred, 1:54:09 approval of JSC minutes, 1:55:37 closure on contract MOAs, 1:58:24 summary of FY25 budget, 1:59:50 items for next JSC meeting at METCO headquarters in Boston. 

3/12/24 Sherborn School Committee meeting - watch discussion and voting to certify FY25 budget, 24:35 question from community member regarding $85,000 cost for implementation of one of new math curricula being piloted (Illustrative or Reveal Math), 41:13 superintendent's update, 46:05 discussion about Spanish teacher situation at Pine Hill, 47:40 comments about assistant principal search at Pine Hill, 54:12 general commentary from school committee members, 1:14:45 voted to approve policy to add METCO representative to school committee, 1:17:47 voted to approve Student Opportunity Act Plan and assistant superintendent explains how it is influencing math curricula options.  

3/5/24 Regional School Committee meeting - 3:26 watch community comments from a culturally diverse parent and teacher in our community about concerns regarding Spanish class, teacher absence and hiring process of new principal at Pine Hill Elementary, as well as the lack of response to her concerns by the superintendent and administration at Pine Hill, 6:38 - discussion and voting to certify FY25 operating budget, 30:56 question from community member including response "there's hundreds of students in Dover and Sherborn who don't go to Dover and Sherborn schools" from Dawn Fattore, 35:30 question from community member regarding role of proposed guidance counselor addition to staff, 40:00 warrant report, 44:00 voted to approve policy to add METCO representative to the school committee. 

1/30/24 Joint School Committee meeting - 3:06 watch community comments about changes to the school calendar by a current parent, 6:02 comments from former DS parents and a former school committee member about concerns regarding the continued direction and focus of the district, 13:13 superintendent's update, 23:49 assistant superintendent's update, 51:28 update from students about calendar task force and discussion, 2:11:09 GOALS  program review findings and discussion, followed by business items.   

5/2/23 Regional School Committee meeting2:47 watch community comments in support of making CPR a high school requirement, 15:11 comments from current and former DS parents and graduates voicing thoughts, questions and concerns about occurrences and direction of the school district, committee and administration, 30:25 comments from current DS parents and community members in support of the school district's direction, 35:45 superintendent's entry plan update, 40:16 warrant report/financial report, 58:46 consent agenda, 1:03:38 Maggie Charron's recognition of departing regional school committee member Lynn Collins. 

4/26/23 Joint School Committee meeting - 1:37 watch four community comments from current and former DS parents voicing questions and concerns about the direction of the school district, the school committee and the administration, 16:10 a comment from a Dover resident in support of the school district's direction and advising parents "if you disagree with something, pull your kid out," - 19:00, 19:24 update for hiring a director of HR with Dr. Tom Campbell (former colleague of current Dover regional school committee members, Maggie Charron and Mark  Healey), 39:02 "he (assistant superintendent Denny Conklin) will be able to spend much more time in the classrooms observing teaching and learning and coaching teachers" - superintendent Beth McCoy in regards to the impact of hiring an HR director on Mr. Conklin's work, 42:04 update on school security and discussion, 54:07 superintendent's report for entry findings, 1:23:21 comments on entry findings and community comments, 1:38:30 superintendent evaluation, 2:01:08 Ms. McCoy thanks her coach, John Sills, and other superintendents for their help.   

4/4/23 Joint school committee meeting3:00 watch community comment from a veteran school committee member, historically active parent volunteer and parent of 3 DS graduates about the current situation in the school district, 7:00 superintendent's update, 19:50 assistant superintendent's update, 35:09 questions/discussion regarding update, 49:21 superintendent evaluation process, 53:07 feedback from school committee members on superintendent's performance

Joint school committee packet 4/4/23

3/14/23 Sherborn school committee meetingwatch budget presentation & questions followed by superintendent's update 35:46, school committee chair's (Amanda Brown's) comments on the 2/28/23 DEI webinar (47:50), "I know we're really still just getting started" -  Amanda Brown in reference to DEI work 49:17, assistant superintendent's update 49:32, "it kind of flips the traditional model of math" - Denny Conklin in reference to piloted Illustrative Mathematics curriculum  57:05, principal's update 1:09:13 

3/8/23 Regional school committee meeting - 2:28 watch community comment about unique perspective from recent immigrant followed by budget presentation, community comments/questions regarding budget 38:50, budget vote 1:09:00, superintendent's update 1:12:39, assistant superintendent's update 1:32:20

Regional school committee meeting packet 3/8/23

2/13/23 Regional school committee meeting - watch community comments about various questions and voices of elementary school students, a message from the school committee regarding recent events and budget discussion

2/7/23 Regional school committee meeting - watch community comment voicing parental concerns about the focus of the school district and the need for more academic focus and answers to community questions followed by the committee members and administration weaving DEI work throughout the remainder of the meeting.  

1/17/23 Joint school committee meeting - watch community comment about prior experience with DEI work at a different school starting at 7:37 and report for the equity audit starting at 1:08:52

6/14/22 Joint school committee meeting - watch 3rd grade teachings at Pine Hill resulting in an ultimate holiday name change starting at 9:46 and watch community members and NYU employees discuss preliminary data and findings of the equity audit starting at 34:05

6/16/21 Joint school committee meeting - discussion of performing the DS diversity and equity audit, watch community members voice concerns and opinions in favor of the audit starting at 9:11

Documents & informational sessions from the school administration:  

Student Opportunity Act 2024-2028 (pgs 33-35) & Add METCO Representative to the Dover Sherborn Regional School Committee (pg 36) 

DS DEI Roadmap

DS Strategic Plan 2023-2028

DS "Belonging in Action" Slide

Fall 2023 Math Piloted Programs Update -

Illustrative Mathematics & Reveal Math 

District's Rubric for Evaluating Piloted Math Program 

Elementary SEL Curriculum Piloted Program - Fly Five 

Dover Sherborn State of the District Presentation 1/24/24

DS Restorative Practices Presentation 2/8/24

Video - A Vision for METCO 2.0 (The Metropolitan Council for Educational Opportunities)

Superintendent's Update 10/2023 - Note save the dates and acknowledging world events sections


Equity Audit Request for Proposal

 Equity Audit Proposal Narrative

Equity Audit Proposal Budget

NYU's official diversity and equity audit report for DS

Equity audit next steps Q & A

Slideshow from 1/17/23 Joint School Committee Meeting (start at slide 28)

Equity Audit Questions - All DS students in grades 4-12 and all K-12 parents/guardians were invited to complete this online survey.

DS School District Website - explore district website, find school committee information, meeting

calendar, packets and much more 

get to know Dr.carlos hoyt - DS's DEI consultant&expert

Episode 75: United Notions? featuring Carlos Hoyt

 An interview with Dr. Hoyt

Dr. Hoyt's TED talk

Dr. Hoyt's blog:  “a terrible disservice” regarding a New York Times article 

Episode 31: How to end racialization featuring Carlos Hoyt

community forums and dei workshops to date

Recording of the 3/30/23 curriculum webinar

Slides from 3/30/23 webinar

Questions and Answers submitted live during 3/30/23 webinar

Questions and Answers submitted in advance for 3/30/23 webinar


Recording of the 2/28/23 DEI webinar

Questions and Answers from 2/28/23 DEI Webinar 

Slides from 2/28/23 DEI Webinar

Summary of Small Group discussions from community forum 11/16/22 

Agenda for second community forum 1/31/23 now called “DEI workshop”

DEI workshop partial list of community questions - obtained from parents who attended the meeting and asked questions, there are many more questions that were asked that could not be obtained.


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